Wednesday 13 May 2015

All You have to do is......

Change your mind set

Easier said than done right?

The definition of the word "Mind-set"  is...

"A set of beliefs or a way of thinking that
 determines one's behaviour, outlook, and mental attitude"

So there you have it

Whatever you  believe is true... to you

Like when somebody says your look shit today

Do you look shitty?

Maybe they are right..

What do You think, when they say that sentence?

You begin to question your self and feel shit right?

That's not  a bad thing though

At least when you question yourself you getting somewhere

Maybe you Do need to look after yourself better.

I would be thanking them personally and suggest that they do the same;)

Because we see in other people what we are a lot of the time

Just look at other people as your teachers

Not enemies...

There words only annoys you because YOU believe it when it's said to you

So you are actually annoyed with yourself not somebody else

DEEP RIGHT???<<<<<<<<<<<<

It's easier to lash out at someone than go and work on your own mindset


Our own head can be a scary place that we don't want to visit too often because

as humans a lot of us have a problem with ourselves and are not willing to admit it

So we pretend that other people are the problem to make us feel better

To distract us from the truth.

Your beliefs can effect you physically and mentally

If they are negative and doubtful your outlook on life becomes progressively
 more  tunnel visioned

Its everyone else's fault not yours

Things wont get better etc.


WRONG mate!

Guess who is control of those thoughts?

You are dummy

Its hilarious when you think of it

Your blaming others for your messed up head

Maybe secretly you cant stand yourself

Maybe that's why you lash out at other people

I know I did, I could not be in my own body, I felt shit about myself when I was overweight..

All those feelings came from actions I took or didn't take as the case was.

I wanted to be healthier but I was lying to myself

My actions did not imitate my words though..

I continued to eat crap not exercise and stay up late

Not somebody else,.... ME...

The problems you say you have are caused by

you allowing the problems to dominate your mind without questioning them

Your reactions to situations are what causes the emotions you experience

So gain control of yourself next time you feel anger, sadness or resentment

Question why you are letting yourself feel like that.

Don't use it as an excuse to feel sorry for yourself

Ask yourself

What are you punishing yourself for?

Fergal "In control" Lawlor

Monday 11 May 2015

They will tell you "it's Impossible"

Having a goal is great

It motivates you

It drives you

It gives you a reason to get out

of the bed in the morning

But, their is always a but...

That bright fire in your belly

can very quickly be put out by a

set back

A failure

You will see how much you really

want something

when no matter how many times

you fail you keep going

You push through the PAIN because

you know

You believe

the reward of

achieving your goal will greatly

surpass the inconvenience

The tiredness

The pain

You will endure while working

towards your goal.

You will be alone

Success is a lonely place


Your friend s

Your family

will revel in the thought of your failure

They will tell you you can't do it

Only because they are terrified

to make a change themselves like

you are doing.

You have to believe you can

"Imagine with all of your mind,

Believe with all of your heart

Achieve with all of your might!"

Fergal "never say die" Lawlor

Saturday 9 May 2015

I Dont Believe it......!

Remember that program?

One foot in the grave?

Victor Meldrue

The guy who shouted at plants for growing too slowly?

That's me

An absolute grouchy;
Tuesday when I want to be..

I just have these explosions of grouchy behavior now and again


I snapped at my lovely partner last night and turned off the tv in the middle of a movie.

I Demanded we go to bed as I was exhausted

Now that was selfish

I never even asked

I just jumped up turned off the tv and said

Right I'm off

Woman COME...

First prize for Asshole of the year goes to.....



I'm exhausted

It's not my ladies fault I'm tired though

it's mine

I choose to stay up late and get up early.

I make ME do it nobody else.

If I'm lucky I'll get to take my lovely lady out this evening for dinner

If not I'll have to accept the consequences for my actions by

Questioning my actions

Reflecting on it

Getting over it

Improve on it

Move on

Try again

I'm angry with myself for letting myself get that tired

Then I attacked outwardly instead of dealing with my own thoughts

"Which were I'm exhausted I need sleep"

It's easier to ignore your own problems

To pretend somebody else is the problem..

He said this, she said that


Your a headcase if you think the problem is with someone else....

You have a problem with yourself

You're the problem

Your thoughts are the problem

Time heals a lot but not everything

Get to the WHY go on the way you do

You will be a lot happier in yourself

Your actions make problems for you

Not other people

Even if you hurt someone

It still comes back on you.

So get your finger out

Step back

Look at yourself before you judge others

Or blame others for your problems

Or say something negative to someone

Fergal "The Grouch" Lawlor

Friday 8 May 2015


So for the last 3 weeks I have been achieving every target I set for myself.
I'm like nasher out of "The Beano"

Put some work in front of me and...

Nash, Nash, Nash
It's done

Which is great as I'm by nature... a lazy bastard
So its a big deal for me.
You could say that I'm on a roll

I have written almost 30 blog posts in the last 4 weeks

Starting work at 6.30am every morning

Yesterday though

I said

Fuck it..

Yes I dropped an F bomb

If you don't like it snowflake.... be gone

I'm not for you

You see

I'm real person who has real problems like you.

I have my flaws, I'm not perfect.

I'm Not a happy clappy moron, everything is awesome! "Personal trainer"

That post pictures of their abs and their chicken and broccoli lunch on Facebook

everyday at 1pm

Where was I...?
I couldn't go on, I was wrecked, fed up, exhausted

My own name was not even on the tip of my tongue

But to be honest things have caught up with me now
I'm felt shite, tired and emotionally drained.


Because I had been working my ass off on minimum sleep.

I made an attempt to execute a part of a project I'm working on
Things didn't go as I had planned
I made shite of it, if I'm honest


Incorrect planning.

A tired, overworked, under rested mind

I was so close to doing a Jimi Hendrix destruction number on the situation in my frustrated 
 overwhelmed, exhausted state

But I realized I'm burnt out, need rest and I cannot move on without energy to do so.

I'm seeing the bigger picture if you will

Instead of being hard on myself for my short comings and failures in the short term

I'm going to give my plan another go soon when I have the energy and a clear head to do it.

When I do it next time I  have no doubt it will work.

All I have to deal with is my own lack patience

Things happen to slow us down.

Whether it be a pulled muscle, a cold or an illness

Its just synchronicity looking out for you

Its just your body telling you to..chill man

Slow Down mate

Take your time

Where you are now is only the beginning of where you are going

Not the end

It's not the end until you lie down and die

So rest up today my friend and tear it up tomorrow 

You will get there


Wednesday 6 May 2015


So good news "The Who fans"

The "Who" are playing the "3"Arena this year and celebrating fifty years as a band

Yeah I thought 02 Arena sounded better too

I saw these guys live when I worked security in the 02 arena for a gig they did 2 years ago in Dublin

What a great crowd, the place was jammed..

Hopefully the change in name of the owner of the arena does not effect
>>>>> "The Reception" <<<<< of the event

WARNNING!!!  this emailed is littered with bad one liners and cleshays do not continue to read

Man... can Mr Rodger Daltry (the lead singer) belt them notes out or what

The guy is in his 70's!

Yet He still manages to get up and do a 4 hour set


The night I saw these guys, they did not break once in Four hours......

Animals of old they are

They were fuelled with the energy of the "Rock"<<<< Gods";)

They are living proof that if you are persistent enough and want it bad enough you can have anything at any stage in your life

Those guys could not give a flying fluck about what people think about them

Who cares what age they are

Look at the amount of people they make happy with their music

Their music is not for everyone's taste but guess what they don't give a shit

They do what they want, they enjoy it and thy get paid for it

You can never see how other people see you

When you look in the mirror at yourself, don't believe what you see

 Your reflection in a mirror is just your self judgemental mind looking back at you.

Somebody told me before

"Ferge,  take a look in the mirror from time to time to see the man who you is looking back at you"

I understand that now as, it doesn't matter what you see when you look at yourself,

 Unless you look like you have not shaved or bathed in a 3 years

Or your wearing the same make up form a week ago and you have a job interview for front of house in a 5 star restaurant

You need to believe that shit mate, trust me on that one.

Sort it out

Do you know who you are?

Do you know what you want?

Why don't you have it?

Only you know..

You alone are the one who decides what you want, when you want it and how you want it

Feel good about yourself, your probably a good person >>>WHO<<< does good things

 (couldn't help it sorry)
All of The good things you do to help others without thinking about it twice is what makes you, you.
Why give yourself a hard time about things that are here and gone or that have not happened yet?

You can't change the past but only reflect on it now and again to make sure history does not repeat itself

Blatant cleshay referencing dead ahead>>>>>>>>>

Listen to me "Baba O riley" we all fudge up, let it go and concentrate on working on what you want form life right now.

Get rid of your "Eminence Front" my friend and be yourself, after all there is no "Substitute" for you.

 It's your "Generation",  "Don't get fooled again" into thinking you are any less of person because of how you think you look.

Fergal "Behind blue eyes" Lawlor

Tuesday 5 May 2015

What are you Afraid of?

I got a present of a parachute jump for my birthday few years back

I'm scared shitless of Flying..

I'm a lot better now, but back then..

White-knuckle city!

On with the story<<<<<<<<<<

I spent weeks wasting my energy and time watching videos of people dying when their jump went South

Literally and they went with it

So the faithful day and hour came upon me, and my partner was along for the ride too

I was assigned my Tandem master his name was Ray

Or (guy who willingly straps himself to you, and jumps out of a plane)

They were feckin nuts!

I suppose you would  be too if you jumped out of a perfectly good plane 10+ times before lunch time.

Ray"So Fergal, are you doing the jump for charity?"

Me. "No its a birthday present"

Ray"Ah at least you got to live till your next birthday" exclaimed the Ray(~ laughing~)


Now I was shitting myself Big time

My turn came

My heart rate elevated, I stared hyper ventilating

 I thought I was going to die

My fearful thoughts now kicked in

"The chute wont open"

"I'm going to be a red spot on the floor soon"

Long story short, I loved it!

The freedom, the adrenaline, the Speed

Until the chute was pulled.......


I passed out

Yup, I fainted 3000 feet in the air (attached to my tandem master obviously)

All of that built up anxiety and fear had completely drained me

 I was now like a life-size marinate puppet hanging form a giant piece of silk.

Pinocchio parachute style

The parachute phase is amazing, unfortunately I did not get to experience it for too long though as I was in and out of consciousness

I woke up to Ray slapping my face and screaming my name, still in the air I might add

Ray "fergal, fErgAl, FERGAL!!!"

I woke up and managed to enjoy the last 3minutes of glide phase

My fear disappeared and I enjoyed what was in front of me.

I missed out on a bit of life because my Fear took control of me

What makes you fearful?

Your own Thoughts

I mightn't like it?

Bullshit, you never tried it!

Be honest with yourself, be open to new things and change

It will change the way you look at life

You will appreciate yourself more and feel better about yourself for taking on new challenges

You may be fearful at first


But You might just feel great after and want to do it again

Don't give into fear,

Being brave means you are scared shitless of doing something but you do it anyway

Fergal ("I've got no strings to hold me down") Lawlor

Friday 1 May 2015

Lessons I Learned from "LOLA"

Do you ever ignore something thinking it will go away
But it doesn't..

I was sitting at my desk yesterday (kitchen table)
Hammering out work

My dog, LOLA was in the kitchen with me causing murder eating a leg of the table
I am convinced LOLA is termite reincarnated as a dog.

I kept correcting her behavior instead of addressing why she was attempting to eat my desk,
I was "too busy" to care

Eventually she got pissed off being corrected, sprinted around in circles, caught a plug wire on her leg which was attached to my

Shiny NEW Sound system

It flew clean through the air then landed on the ground


I went fluppin bananas.
Tasmanian devil style.

Turns out the sound system is bullet proof.. no worries.
I calmed myself fast realising it was not the dogs fault but.. MINE

I had her stuck in the kitchen with me all morning because.
  I didn't want to have to watch her outside to see what piece of my garden she was going to munch on next

What did I expect...?

If she had been walked earlier her energy levels would be lower therefore I could have gotten on with my work in half the time

I failed to address the root of situation, the fact that LOLA needed a walk that was it.

20 minutes of a run would have calmed her down

But I was not willing to do that even though I knew I Needed to do it.

I wanted to keep working.

It was actually very unproductive and stressful.

I instead attempted to treat the symptom of her over energized state by constantly correcting her

and I payed the price for ignoring what Lola needed when my new sound system
went "Ryanair " over the table and hit the floor

 -----ON TIME-----

See what I did there?

Humans are like this

>>>>We WANT what we DON'T need

We DON'T WANT what we Do NEED<<<<

What we feel we need and what we do need are two totally different thing's
That horrific medicine that was shoved in your gob when you were sick as a kid.

"I don't want that Ma it's gross!"

You needed that though. as much as you didn't want it.

What do you really need?

What do you want?

Be truthful with yourself..

Don't wait..... Do something About it now.

 Set a goal, a time frame and aim to achieve it


I did it Again sorry...

Fergal "O Leary" Lawlor