Saturday 9 May 2015

I Dont Believe it......!

Remember that program?

One foot in the grave?

Victor Meldrue

The guy who shouted at plants for growing too slowly?

That's me

An absolute grouchy;
Tuesday when I want to be..

I just have these explosions of grouchy behavior now and again


I snapped at my lovely partner last night and turned off the tv in the middle of a movie.

I Demanded we go to bed as I was exhausted

Now that was selfish

I never even asked

I just jumped up turned off the tv and said

Right I'm off

Woman COME...

First prize for Asshole of the year goes to.....



I'm exhausted

It's not my ladies fault I'm tired though

it's mine

I choose to stay up late and get up early.

I make ME do it nobody else.

If I'm lucky I'll get to take my lovely lady out this evening for dinner

If not I'll have to accept the consequences for my actions by

Questioning my actions

Reflecting on it

Getting over it

Improve on it

Move on

Try again

I'm angry with myself for letting myself get that tired

Then I attacked outwardly instead of dealing with my own thoughts

"Which were I'm exhausted I need sleep"

It's easier to ignore your own problems

To pretend somebody else is the problem..

He said this, she said that


Your a headcase if you think the problem is with someone else....

You have a problem with yourself

You're the problem

Your thoughts are the problem

Time heals a lot but not everything

Get to the WHY go on the way you do

You will be a lot happier in yourself

Your actions make problems for you

Not other people

Even if you hurt someone

It still comes back on you.

So get your finger out

Step back

Look at yourself before you judge others

Or blame others for your problems

Or say something negative to someone

Fergal "The Grouch" Lawlor

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