Friday, 1 May 2015

Lessons I Learned from "LOLA"

Do you ever ignore something thinking it will go away
But it doesn't..

I was sitting at my desk yesterday (kitchen table)
Hammering out work

My dog, LOLA was in the kitchen with me causing murder eating a leg of the table
I am convinced LOLA is termite reincarnated as a dog.

I kept correcting her behavior instead of addressing why she was attempting to eat my desk,
I was "too busy" to care

Eventually she got pissed off being corrected, sprinted around in circles, caught a plug wire on her leg which was attached to my

Shiny NEW Sound system

It flew clean through the air then landed on the ground


I went fluppin bananas.
Tasmanian devil style.

Turns out the sound system is bullet proof.. no worries.
I calmed myself fast realising it was not the dogs fault but.. MINE

I had her stuck in the kitchen with me all morning because.
  I didn't want to have to watch her outside to see what piece of my garden she was going to munch on next

What did I expect...?

If she had been walked earlier her energy levels would be lower therefore I could have gotten on with my work in half the time

I failed to address the root of situation, the fact that LOLA needed a walk that was it.

20 minutes of a run would have calmed her down

But I was not willing to do that even though I knew I Needed to do it.

I wanted to keep working.

It was actually very unproductive and stressful.

I instead attempted to treat the symptom of her over energized state by constantly correcting her

and I payed the price for ignoring what Lola needed when my new sound system
went "Ryanair " over the table and hit the floor

 -----ON TIME-----

See what I did there?

Humans are like this

>>>>We WANT what we DON'T need

We DON'T WANT what we Do NEED<<<<

What we feel we need and what we do need are two totally different thing's
That horrific medicine that was shoved in your gob when you were sick as a kid.

"I don't want that Ma it's gross!"

You needed that though. as much as you didn't want it.

What do you really need?

What do you want?

Be truthful with yourself..

Don't wait..... Do something About it now.

 Set a goal, a time frame and aim to achieve it


I did it Again sorry...

Fergal "O Leary" Lawlor

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