My late Grandmothers...
Yes that's their first names in the subject line alright.
Two absolutely beautiful people and I miss them very dearly now that they are gone.
What can I say...
A Straight talking North Dublin woman.
She was a great character and tuff as nails.
She always gave her opinion without hesitation or request.
The kind of sentences that would make your tea come out you're nose with shock
Even to a complete stranger
Something like..
"Your fat" hahaha! No messing around
She was always up for a good time and a night out, an absolute riot of a lady to be around
The life of the party was "Nanny" Violet
This lady made you check your shit pretty fast if you complained in her company.
When Rose ever heard me complaining about my current situation.
I would be genuinely sick lads
I had a migraine, I'm going blind with pain
In a jock..
"Nanny" Rose would snap me out of it with
The following sentence...
"Fergal Lawlor!
It's far from your arse you won't sit on it.."
Gangsta or what!?
from a little old lady no less..
In other words
If you're that bothered about your situation do something about it
Here is what I learned from these two amazing human beings
All of your semantic bullshit excuses and reason s
are Irrelevant for why you are not where you want to be right now.
Waiting for the perfect moment is stupid
There is no perfect moment, day or time.
There is only now
That's all you are in control off.
If you think you are in control of the future you're deluded
If you fail at something, do something different, or approach it from another angle.
Your current actions contribute to how your future will go.
So concentrate on now.
Fergal "no excuses" Lawlor
Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Tuesday, 28 April 2015
Are you your own worst enemy?
Picture this if you will mo chara..
It's a Thursday night...It's more like Thursday morning now actually to be politically correct..
If you get through till closing time on Friday without punching some fucker in the throat you will have done well
You're pissed off with the way work has gone this week so it's ok to throw a few back to calm the system
Sure you might as well have a few social beverages now rather than wait till Saturday
The temptation is too great you might as well give in and cool off with a nice cold beer or a glass of wine
Is this what you do more often than not?
Is this what is stopping you achieving your goal?
If you are not willing to sacrifice in the short term the likelihood of your ever achieving your goal is slim or none.
The term pissing against brief wind comes to mind.
So what can I do MR spoiler?
I hear you say
Don't get me wrong I like a drink and I know how easy it is on a Thursday evening to give into that treat
But if your lack of will power and moderation with food and "liquid s"
is what is stopping your progress..
Maybe you need to review your priorities
Do you really want change or are you lying to yourself
Are you talking the talk but not walking the walk?
Make a plan
Follow the blasted thing because guess what?
it works! I know shock horror.
Don't make excuses to why you can't do it because excuse s are just fear of change.
Implement small changes a then build on them.
Excuse s are then irrelevant.
Do not divert from the plan..
If you change the plan you inadvertently change your goal
Then when it comes to deadline you wonder why your results are shit
It's because you didn't follow the plan my friend
An elementary 2+2=4 equation my dear Watson is what you were given to follow
But you went all E=Mc2 on me and now you are lost again searching for the "Magic pill"
It's a myth there is none!
LOOK here.....
*Set a goal
*Make a plan to achieve it and time frame to reach it within
*Implement it into your life in a way that is realistic
*Follow the plan for set amount of time
Be ruthless with it!
*Achieve the goal
It's not complicated, only you stop yourself and make it complicated.
Fergal "spoiler" Lawlor
It's a Thursday night...It's more like Thursday morning now actually to be politically correct..
If you get through till closing time on Friday without punching some fucker in the throat you will have done well
You're pissed off with the way work has gone this week so it's ok to throw a few back to calm the system
Sure you might as well have a few social beverages now rather than wait till Saturday
The temptation is too great you might as well give in and cool off with a nice cold beer or a glass of wine
Is this what you do more often than not?
Is this what is stopping you achieving your goal?
If you are not willing to sacrifice in the short term the likelihood of your ever achieving your goal is slim or none.
The term pissing against brief wind comes to mind.
So what can I do MR spoiler?
I hear you say
Don't get me wrong I like a drink and I know how easy it is on a Thursday evening to give into that treat
But if your lack of will power and moderation with food and "liquid s"
is what is stopping your progress..
Maybe you need to review your priorities
Do you really want change or are you lying to yourself
Are you talking the talk but not walking the walk?
Make a plan
Follow the blasted thing because guess what?
it works! I know shock horror.
Don't make excuses to why you can't do it because excuse s are just fear of change.
Implement small changes a then build on them.
Excuse s are then irrelevant.
Do not divert from the plan..
If you change the plan you inadvertently change your goal
Then when it comes to deadline you wonder why your results are shit
It's because you didn't follow the plan my friend
An elementary 2+2=4 equation my dear Watson is what you were given to follow
But you went all E=Mc2 on me and now you are lost again searching for the "Magic pill"
It's a myth there is none!
LOOK here.....
*Set a goal
*Make a plan to achieve it and time frame to reach it within
*Implement it into your life in a way that is realistic
*Follow the plan for set amount of time
Be ruthless with it!
*Achieve the goal
It's not complicated, only you stop yourself and make it complicated.
Fergal "spoiler" Lawlor
Monday, 27 April 2015
Family members who comment on your weight
So it has happened to all of us before.
You are at a family get together or occasion where some members of your family whom you have not seen in a year or maybe more are at.
You have just bought some new clothes that you spent ages looking for online because the local shops are crap, overpriced and never have your sixe.
You know that you've put on a few pounds and this new outfit will mask it a bit better than whats in the wardrobe right now
So you arrive at the "Do" and you feel pretty good about yourself right now.
Then you bump into a distant relation who has not seen you in a year or two.
The first fudging thing this opinionated 3rd removed muppet of a cousin has to say to you is.....
"Oh look you have put on weight have you look at that belly"
That shit pisses me right off and all I could think about personally was
"leg kick, right straight, spinning back-fist"
That basically means your using a walking stick for 3 months.
E hmm.., anyway that's illegal and uncalled for.
Remember they don't mean to be an asshole, it just comes naturally to them.
So does taking a shit as it happens..
Remember that you can lose the belly eventually my friend but they will still be an asshole by the next time you have a family do.
So don't take it personally. If they feel better about themselves saying that to you, look at it as that you're doing them a favor, your boosting their confidence.
It's not a nice feeling at all, now you feel like that opinionated 3rd removed cousin is watching you.
So you eat like a rabbit at the family function which goes on for hours.
You say your goodbyes at the end of the night and smile at the person who said it to you waiting for another comment that helps their ego and destroys yours.
You arrive home and sit up all night eating shit because your starving, where nobody can see you or judge your waistline.
All the questions filled with hurt and anger are running through your mind
"Who the hell are they anyway to say that shite to me?"
I bet they have never had a battle with their weight etc.
HERE is the KICKER<<<<<<
Do you think they are still thinking about what they said to YOU?
NOPE, they forgot the second they said it to you, unless you went with plan B "spinning backfist".
They will defo remember saying that to you and probably wont say it again, but...
it means you are reading this from a holding cell for grievous bodily harm.;)
See where the feeling of anger got you?
No where good anyway.
Every time you allow a sentence or an act that somebody did to you in the past, you give them power to hurt you again
Even when they are not around you.
The only REASON that you became hurt is because you knew what they said to you was true.
You are IN CHARGE of what you feel, Say and do. Dont let anyone take that away from you.
So do something about it.
Stick to your guns and you will get where you are going.
Fergal "spinning-backfist" Lawlor
You are at a family get together or occasion where some members of your family whom you have not seen in a year or maybe more are at.
You have just bought some new clothes that you spent ages looking for online because the local shops are crap, overpriced and never have your sixe.
You know that you've put on a few pounds and this new outfit will mask it a bit better than whats in the wardrobe right now
So you arrive at the "Do" and you feel pretty good about yourself right now.
Then you bump into a distant relation who has not seen you in a year or two.
The first fudging thing this opinionated 3rd removed muppet of a cousin has to say to you is.....
"Oh look you have put on weight have you look at that belly"
That shit pisses me right off and all I could think about personally was
"leg kick, right straight, spinning back-fist"
That basically means your using a walking stick for 3 months.
E hmm.., anyway that's illegal and uncalled for.
Remember they don't mean to be an asshole, it just comes naturally to them.
So does taking a shit as it happens..
Remember that you can lose the belly eventually my friend but they will still be an asshole by the next time you have a family do.
So don't take it personally. If they feel better about themselves saying that to you, look at it as that you're doing them a favor, your boosting their confidence.
It's not a nice feeling at all, now you feel like that opinionated 3rd removed cousin is watching you.
So you eat like a rabbit at the family function which goes on for hours.
You say your goodbyes at the end of the night and smile at the person who said it to you waiting for another comment that helps their ego and destroys yours.
You arrive home and sit up all night eating shit because your starving, where nobody can see you or judge your waistline.
All the questions filled with hurt and anger are running through your mind
"Who the hell are they anyway to say that shite to me?"
I bet they have never had a battle with their weight etc.
HERE is the KICKER<<<<<<
Do you think they are still thinking about what they said to YOU?
NOPE, they forgot the second they said it to you, unless you went with plan B "spinning backfist".
They will defo remember saying that to you and probably wont say it again, but...
it means you are reading this from a holding cell for grievous bodily harm.;)
See where the feeling of anger got you?
No where good anyway.
Every time you allow a sentence or an act that somebody did to you in the past, you give them power to hurt you again
Even when they are not around you.
The only REASON that you became hurt is because you knew what they said to you was true.
You are IN CHARGE of what you feel, Say and do. Dont let anyone take that away from you.
So do something about it.
Stick to your guns and you will get where you are going.
Fergal "spinning-backfist" Lawlor
Sunday, 26 April 2015
Are You in Denial of Your Reality?
When the economy took a hit I decided I was off travelling the world to greener pastures
I left my business to a friend to look after my clients while I was away and they made a balls of it.
I arrived home 3 months later to see that the whole world was up shit creak and not just Ireland.
I had no car, no money and no clients.
I made a few phone calls and managed to get some of my loyal clients who had been with me prior to me leaving for my travels to come back and train with me again.
I managed to scrape together enough money to buy a shite box car with a leaky ceiling when it rained heavy.
To top it off I was also in debt that I could not pay as I was barely making enough money to pay for the weekly shop for my partner and I.
Thank God my partner had a job at the time as I remember not for as long as long as a week at a time and staying in bed all day feeling depressed and sorry for myself.
I made EXCUSES for why I was in my current reality instead of DOING something about it.
What Excuses do you make?
What reality do you ignore?
Things came to a head when I had not got enough money one evening to bring my girlfriend and I to the cinema let alone a night out with dinner..
So I sucked it up and sought employment in a local gym.
I was very intimidated being back in the work place again but at the same time it felt great to be back doing what I loved and I was making money again.
One year went by then another and I realised I had gone back to the start so the natural thing would be now to have another crack at going out on my own.
With great FEAR I handed in my notice and left two weeks later.
That was a year ago and I have gone from strength to strength in my personal and professional life.
Right now I'm sitting in my car at the side of the road because I ignored the reality that my car might not make it all the way home because it needed Diesel.
My excuse?
I just didn't bother filling up my car even though it needed to be.
Lazy bastard syndrome I call it.
I will now be late collecting my lovely pizza I have at the weekend and it's going to be cold!!!
I learned my Lesson
When will you learn yourself?
Fergal AA Lawlor
I left my business to a friend to look after my clients while I was away and they made a balls of it.
I arrived home 3 months later to see that the whole world was up shit creak and not just Ireland.
I had no car, no money and no clients.
I made a few phone calls and managed to get some of my loyal clients who had been with me prior to me leaving for my travels to come back and train with me again.
I managed to scrape together enough money to buy a shite box car with a leaky ceiling when it rained heavy.
To top it off I was also in debt that I could not pay as I was barely making enough money to pay for the weekly shop for my partner and I.
Thank God my partner had a job at the time as I remember not for as long as long as a week at a time and staying in bed all day feeling depressed and sorry for myself.
I made EXCUSES for why I was in my current reality instead of DOING something about it.
What Excuses do you make?
What reality do you ignore?
Things came to a head when I had not got enough money one evening to bring my girlfriend and I to the cinema let alone a night out with dinner..
So I sucked it up and sought employment in a local gym.
I was very intimidated being back in the work place again but at the same time it felt great to be back doing what I loved and I was making money again.
One year went by then another and I realised I had gone back to the start so the natural thing would be now to have another crack at going out on my own.
With great FEAR I handed in my notice and left two weeks later.
That was a year ago and I have gone from strength to strength in my personal and professional life.
Right now I'm sitting in my car at the side of the road because I ignored the reality that my car might not make it all the way home because it needed Diesel.
My excuse?
I just didn't bother filling up my car even though it needed to be.
Lazy bastard syndrome I call it.
I will now be late collecting my lovely pizza I have at the weekend and it's going to be cold!!!
I learned my Lesson
When will you learn yourself?
Fergal AA Lawlor
Saturday, 25 April 2015
The Red Pill or the Blue pill?
The Matrix, my favorite film of all time.
The reason I began training in the martial arts in fact.
I thought the training regime the actors went through for the movie was amazing.
The main character "Neo" is constantly searching for answers to what the Matrix really is.
He is so determined to find out what the Matrix is that he is contacted by a man who claims to have the answers to all of his questions.
He is told that he cannot really be told though, he can only shown what the Matrix is.
He is given an option.
"You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more"
Taking the blue pill is like admitting to yourself things are gone to shit and you still pretend you are fine because you are frightened of change.and feel safe where you are.
But your stuck in the Matrix then....
Taking the red pill means you admit things are shit and you are ready to change and want out of it.
Every day is a new adventure where nothing will ever be the same again and you never know what's next.
Life is a lot more exciting and fulfilling when you live it that way.
By the end of the Movie Neo discovers that he is "The one"
The saviour of his people in the real world and has unlimited power to help others who want out of the Matrix like he did.
Even though all throughout the Movie he doubts himself not believing that he has what it takes to be the hero.
In the end his own self believe is what quite literally brings him back from the dead after being shot numerous times by the baddies and he saves the day.
He changed his mindset and refused to lie down and die!
Are you stuck in the Matrix?
Do want to get out?
Are you waiting and hoping for someone to come rescue you?
I have News for you.
Nobody is coming to help you.
Help yourself. Be your own Neo
Your own saviour
Your own hero
You need to put the message out there like Neo did that you want something before you can begin your journey towards getting it.
So which will it be the blue pill or the red pill?
Fergal "The one?" Lawlor
The reason I began training in the martial arts in fact.
I thought the training regime the actors went through for the movie was amazing.
The main character "Neo" is constantly searching for answers to what the Matrix really is.
He is so determined to find out what the Matrix is that he is contacted by a man who claims to have the answers to all of his questions.
He is told that he cannot really be told though, he can only shown what the Matrix is.
He is given an option.
"You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more"
Taking the blue pill is like admitting to yourself things are gone to shit and you still pretend you are fine because you are frightened of change.and feel safe where you are.
But your stuck in the Matrix then....
Taking the red pill means you admit things are shit and you are ready to change and want out of it.
Every day is a new adventure where nothing will ever be the same again and you never know what's next.
Life is a lot more exciting and fulfilling when you live it that way.
By the end of the Movie Neo discovers that he is "The one"
The saviour of his people in the real world and has unlimited power to help others who want out of the Matrix like he did.
Even though all throughout the Movie he doubts himself not believing that he has what it takes to be the hero.
In the end his own self believe is what quite literally brings him back from the dead after being shot numerous times by the baddies and he saves the day.
He changed his mindset and refused to lie down and die!
Are you stuck in the Matrix?
Do want to get out?
Are you waiting and hoping for someone to come rescue you?
I have News for you.
Nobody is coming to help you.
Help yourself. Be your own Neo
Your own saviour
Your own hero
You need to put the message out there like Neo did that you want something before you can begin your journey towards getting it.
So which will it be the blue pill or the red pill?
Fergal "The one?" Lawlor
Friday, 24 April 2015
Have you Ever been Told you're not good enough?
Has somebody ever said something that put you down so much it broke your self confidence?
Your belief in yourself?
I did...
When I was 5!
The most influential person I knew at 5 apart from my parents
My first teacher.
I remember it clearly it was such a shifty thing to say.
"Fergal you are stupid and you will never be able to do maths!"
Guess what.
I struggled all through school with maths.
So much so I was unable to tell the time on a watch until I was nearly 10 or 11
I struggled all through second level education
To this day I get nervous sometimes when I have to give a client change for a training session.
I should keep the change....:)
Then another person who was a teacher laughed at me when I told them I wanted to be a martial arts teacher and own my own fitness business.
Guess who that was..
My first Martial Arts teacher!
Another knock... From a very influencial role model.
Look at me now F@#&er!
What turned me around?
Somebody told me I was good enough
That I could do it
I could make it.
That I was a success.
Now I battled with my own self doubt and fear of failure.
This man is Professor George Canning
10th Dan Which is the highest honour a martial artist can have bestowed on him or her.
A founder of a martial arts system
An amazing teacher, mentor and friend
So next time somebody tells you you are not good enough.
Smile and feel sorry for them in the knowledge that you are In charge of what you do and when you do it.
They are afraid of change therefore they will never achieve anything worth mentioning.
They want to drag you down to their level of exsistance.
They won't succeed in infecting you with their jumpsuit fear tactics as long as you maintain in your mind with unshakeable faith the FACT that you will succeed.
Be strong, Push on despite the ne Sayers
They are cowards, pity them laughed at them.
There is no impossible.
Fergal "no limits" Lawlor
Your belief in yourself?
I did...
When I was 5!
The most influential person I knew at 5 apart from my parents
My first teacher.
I remember it clearly it was such a shifty thing to say.
"Fergal you are stupid and you will never be able to do maths!"
Guess what.
I struggled all through school with maths.
So much so I was unable to tell the time on a watch until I was nearly 10 or 11
I struggled all through second level education
To this day I get nervous sometimes when I have to give a client change for a training session.
I should keep the change....:)
Then another person who was a teacher laughed at me when I told them I wanted to be a martial arts teacher and own my own fitness business.
Guess who that was..
My first Martial Arts teacher!
Another knock... From a very influencial role model.
Look at me now F@#&er!
What turned me around?
Somebody told me I was good enough
That I could do it
I could make it.
That I was a success.
Now I battled with my own self doubt and fear of failure.
This man is Professor George Canning
10th Dan Which is the highest honour a martial artist can have bestowed on him or her.
A founder of a martial arts system
An amazing teacher, mentor and friend
So next time somebody tells you you are not good enough.
Smile and feel sorry for them in the knowledge that you are In charge of what you do and when you do it.
They are afraid of change therefore they will never achieve anything worth mentioning.
They want to drag you down to their level of exsistance.
They won't succeed in infecting you with their jumpsuit fear tactics as long as you maintain in your mind with unshakeable faith the FACT that you will succeed.
Be strong, Push on despite the ne Sayers
They are cowards, pity them laughed at them.
There is no impossible.
Fergal "no limits" Lawlor
Thursday, 23 April 2015
Donedeal -MV Agusta 4FCC- €6000 one day only!!!
I got ya!
If I had read that title I would be on here too so don't feel bad.
You thought you found a bargain right?
A cheap option that gets you something you would normally fork out €112,169 for!
You wanted it, no you can't have it.
Why? Because you didn't earn it, you do deserve it but you must pay the price.
If you don't like that sentence you should now go and cry in a box of Oreo cookies snowflake.
In order to get you must be willing to give.
It can be time, money, energy you give as long as you give it your all!
Your return on investment will always pay of in dividence.
Give lazy infective efforts and guess what you get?
Sweet F@#% All
"I can't afford the time commitment..."
I say you can't afford not to commit time to yourself when it comes to your health!
That's the sacrifice and the fear element that stops you when you are pumped up to get cracking with a new program and all of a sudden you don't feel you will make it.
So It's easier not to invest in yourself because know you have absolutely no accountability to anyone which means no pain in the short term
What do you want?
So what will you give or give up for that want?
And for what do you want in return?
Find that out and you are on a winner
Now go get it.
Fergal Valentino Rossi
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
When is enough- enough?
Many a stressful night out with my partner was caused by MY own lack of self confidence due to me being overweight and out of shape!
It got to the stage that I could not wait to get home because I felt uncomfortable in the clothes I was wearing and getting home meant I got to be in a tracksuit again....
My girlfriend would have spent half the evening getting ready for that night out and looked beautiful!
All night I wanted to go home because my clothes were so uncomfortable and it created a tense atmosphere among the two of us.
So we would arrive home to my relieve and my girlfriends dismay.
I would relax and my poor girlfriend would sit there in silence all night listening to me bitch and moan about how I wanted to be in shape again.... while I stuffed my face with junk food!
My current situation that was effecting me was now beginning to effect other people around me.
The people I LOVE were suffering and it was my fault!
So I hit my heaviest weight I have ever been in January 2015.
105.5kg!!! OR 16 STONE 6
I wanted to stay at home and sulk and guess what else...
I was angry with myself for letting it go this far!
I was sick of ruining a good night out with my partner every weekend!
I was frustrated with my own lack of self discipline even though I was preaching
But I was! Now i was fat and a hypocrite!
My actions did not imitate my words.
I decided I had enough!
I set a goal
I made a plan
I followed that plan (with hiccups along the way)
My goal due date was;
By 22/4/2015 (TODAY) I will have lost 2 stone or 12 or 12.5kg so I can feel more comfortable in my clothes so I can
enjoy my down time with my partner.
GUESS WHAT>......I DID IT!!!!!!!
Fergal "self discipline?" Lawlor
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
great samurai warrior once said..
"It may seem difficult at first, but everything is difficult at first"
Consistency is key to achieving your goals in live.
When things get shitty and difficult of course you want to give up.
Keep going...!!!
Keep going...!!!
If you don't
You could be stopping 3 feet from gold.
Had you just pushed on that little bit more
That little bit longer despite the hopeless and pain you felt.
You might have made it.....
But you will never know because you gave up at the first sign of opposition.
Giving up at the first hurdle is easy and an option that most people take.
Ask yourself why am I doing what I am doing....?
Giving yourself a target to aim for is grand but without motivation the fire in your heart can quickly go out.
What's your motivation?
Find out why you are doing what you are doing to drive you on..
And never give up!!!!
What you strive for is just around the corner if you are willing to fight for it!!!
Fergal Lawlor
Monday, 20 April 2015
Learn from your past to improve your present
I'll keep this very short and to the point.
No messing around here...
Life is a learning curve and nobody said it would be easy
So suck it up and stop giving yourself excuses to why you won't dare to be different
Learn from your mistakes and adapt based on what you have learned to be truly useful in achieving your goal.
Bruce Lee said it best..
"Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own."
Dare to achieve, to grow as a person from you experience s good and negative.
What separates you from the rest of the herd is NOT how you attempt to minimize your failure s
But how you use past experiences to achieve your goals
Being afraid of failure will limit your thinking and keep you were you are
It may stop you ever achieving your goals.
So feel the fear and do it anyway.
Walk through the fire my friend.
It's a win win situation.
If you fail you learn if you succeed you
achieve your goal and you learn.
Either way you will have grown as a person.
So in a way you nothing to lose and everything to gain...
Think about it!!!
Fergal Lawlor
Sunday, 19 April 2015
Pain is temporary but change is forever
Just in-
People are selfish and only care about one person...
So why should you be any different?
There is nothing wrong with being selfish when it comes to your mental
and physical health..
If any situation in your life is jeopardizing the above then chop it off like it was infected limb!
Now that's a tough decision to make and that shit would hurt for a while...
But in time it would heal and
you would have gotten used to the idea and make peace with it.
You can't save the world but you can save yourself...(Generic what?)
Don't worry I'm not going to try and sell you a Bible because it's Sunday
I just mean you can't help anyone until you get your own shit together.
That's if they want help....
They may need it but until they want it, your "help" is falling on deaf ears.
You take a risk of making things worse for them..
they might build a bigger wall to protect themselves and then nobody will ever get in.
My advice?
People are unable to see past their own reality.
Their own self imposed limiting believes and insecurities are the prison that they have made for themselves.
It's not your fault.....So don't feel bad.
You didn't put them there
You broke out of Shawshank, maybe they will to.
If they don't they are happy there
They don't want to change
The pain is too much for them to
face up to!
Take charge, say enough is enough!
I am better than this!
I will be better than this!
I know how to be better than this!
Then......DO IT! or don't
NOBODY is going to do it for you..
But help will ALWAYS be there if you
Ask for it.
Long John silver Lawlor
Friday, 17 April 2015
Are you a talker or an ACTION taker?
Remember the T.V. advertisements for that toy figure Action
He was kind of like a bad ass Ken doll with a bazooka
attached to his back except not such a pussy like Ken; he even had a dog that
would kill on command for him!
I must
have had a toy box full of his gear when I was a kid, good times!
I’m sure if Barbie ever met Action man, Ken would be toast...
Because people are drawn to Action takers! Doers!
Action man doesn’t speak because he is a toy, yet he gets
shit done!!!
He was always being
swung over a burning volcano or performing some fantastic feat of deathifying,
epic proportions!
He even had fishing
gear for his down time dress which was a shark hunter dress...
The man was a legend
but he never had to speak because his ACTIONS>>>> spoke louder than
words, or no words in his case...
You only get results from the work you get done, not the work
you talk about doing I’m afraid!
Its well and good saying you want to lose weight, be stronger
both physically and mentally, not to mention happier!
So what are you doing about it?
What steps have you taken recently to work towards any of you
weight loss goals?
Why not?
Who is stopping you?
If don’t watch your food intake, drink too much alcohol, and
say yes to the breakfast roll and large
coffee every morning.....
It just isn’t gona happen a chara!
Your actions must imitate your
words if you plan to achieve anything, otherwise you will just go around and
around in circles aimlessly never achieving anything...
Hate to break it too you but it’s
the truth mate.
I know because this was my
lifestyle in the past....
There are too many people who talk
the talk but don’t walk the walk.
Which one are you?
Ok I’m off to scale Everest and
kick a grizzly bears ass before lunch!
Fergal Lawlor
Thursday, 16 April 2015
Fergal Lawlor Rhino hunter!
When is the last time you can say you slept like a baby and woke up ready to tear a Rhino a new arsehole with your bare hands at 6.30am?
Never? REALLY?
How are your energy levels right now?
Ok when I say ready- steady- go! what do you feel like doing!!?
YOU FEEL LIKE..........................
Eating the chocolate covered biscuit in your hand as you read my dribble..
and sipping that coffee that's what you do...
Yes I am physic!
Guess how I know....?Because I do it too!
Yeah... me the trainer!
When I get tired and run down I eat junk food and it becomes a part of my staple diet very quickly lads!!
I am partial to anything with loads of sugar and crisps.
Why is that?
A lack of something very important..
When you are tired your energy levels are so low you will turn to crap calories quicker to maintain your zombie like state.
Why? because your mind is weaker when you are tired
and so is your will power.
Hey my will power sucks the majority of the time when I feel wide awake!!!
So how good do you think it will be when you are exhausted?
It can very easily turn into a cycle which can last for ever if you don't nip it in the bud fast..
Here are 3 tips to use if you feel you are unable to get to sleep and your mind is racing AT NIGHT.
1.inhale hold your breathe for as long as you can then exhale slowly.
10 times or until you feel more relaxed.
2.Shit I forgot no 2 I'm so tired, ill use number one tonight and I might remember no 2 tomorrow!!
if I sleep....
3. Get to bed before 10.30pm..
If your are worrying about not sleeping your most likely wont...
I'm up early to go Rhino hunting tomorrow....

"Do or do not"- "There is not try"
I'm a massive Star Wars geek fan...
"Do or do not! there is no try"
Good man Yoda I like his force wheedling mind bend!!!
"Do or do not! there is no try"
Good man Yoda I like his force wheedling mind bend!!!
Pay attention here now some psychology 101 Fergal style!
In my language "I cant" translates to bullshit so I ignore it!
I wont help you when you bullshit me... and you wont help yourself, because you are a liar when you say that. You can do anything you want, you just need to know how!
If you told me however "F*%& you Fergal, I don't want do", I might believe you then!
Your showing me a bit of fight, you can use that fight if you harness it correctly my apprentice Jedi!
Then we could find out why you don't want to and make a plan for breaking down that wall with your newly adjusted light saber!
Its not the pain in your arms, its not the pain in your legs that make you say i cant, is it? Really?
Have you not been in pain before when you put on trousers, a dress, only to look in the mirror before you leave the house to see you have more rolls on your tummy than the bread stand in Super value.(I should charge them for that one)!!!
Is that not real pain? when it makes you feel like crap because you know you can be better than this, you have been better than this!!!
Did you then say, I cant do this anymore or I don't want to Fu"£$ng do it anymore...?
As humans we are naturally resistant to change
Its your brain going "oh shit, we are changing, I don't like this... quick say something to protect us
before we change and are uncomfortable, unsure, unsafe...
I dealt with my stuff at a very early part of my life although I still have my bad days.. and we all have a problem..
A great man once told me something very simple and true.
"Good day, bad day Ferge" thats life.
Its just how long you have left it or how bad you let it get before deciding to do something about it that determines how much work you have to do to shift it.
I'm not talking your weight or your measurements here.
What im saying is you must deal with your demons, the thoughts that keep you awake at night, the thoughts that make you feel down, depressed and anxious which cause you to use your vice as the focus, the distraction.
I'm saying have the courage to look your demon straight in the eye and front kick it in the nuts!!!!
Unless "demon" is your pets name and that's just bloody cruel!!!
Until this evening Padowans
In my language "I cant" translates to bullshit so I ignore it!
I wont help you when you bullshit me... and you wont help yourself, because you are a liar when you say that. You can do anything you want, you just need to know how!
If you told me however "F*%& you Fergal, I don't want do", I might believe you then!
Your showing me a bit of fight, you can use that fight if you harness it correctly my apprentice Jedi!
Then we could find out why you don't want to and make a plan for breaking down that wall with your newly adjusted light saber!
Its not the pain in your arms, its not the pain in your legs that make you say i cant, is it? Really?
Have you not been in pain before when you put on trousers, a dress, only to look in the mirror before you leave the house to see you have more rolls on your tummy than the bread stand in Super value.(I should charge them for that one)!!!
Is that not real pain? when it makes you feel like crap because you know you can be better than this, you have been better than this!!!
Did you then say, I cant do this anymore or I don't want to Fu"£$ng do it anymore...?
As humans we are naturally resistant to change
Its your brain going "oh shit, we are changing, I don't like this... quick say something to protect us
before we change and are uncomfortable, unsure, unsafe...
I dealt with my stuff at a very early part of my life although I still have my bad days.. and we all have a problem..
A great man once told me something very simple and true.
"Good day, bad day Ferge" thats life.
Its just how long you have left it or how bad you let it get before deciding to do something about it that determines how much work you have to do to shift it.
I'm not talking your weight or your measurements here.
What im saying is you must deal with your demons, the thoughts that keep you awake at night, the thoughts that make you feel down, depressed and anxious which cause you to use your vice as the focus, the distraction.
I'm saying have the courage to look your demon straight in the eye and front kick it in the nuts!!!!
Unless "demon" is your pets name and that's just bloody cruel!!!
Until this evening Padowans
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