Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Are you your own worst enemy?

Picture this if you will mo chara..

It's a Thursday night...It's more like Thursday morning now actually to be politically correct..

If you get through till closing time on Friday without punching some fucker in the throat you will have done well

You're  pissed off with the way work has gone this week so it's ok to throw a few back to calm the system

Sure you might as well have a few social beverages now rather than wait till Saturday

The temptation is too great you might as well give in and cool off with a nice cold beer or a glass of wine

Is this what you do more often than not?

Is this what is stopping you achieving your goal?

If you are not willing to sacrifice in the short term the likelihood of your ever achieving your goal is slim or none.

The term pissing against brief wind comes to mind.

So what can I do MR spoiler?
I hear you say

Don't get me wrong I like a drink and I know how easy it is on a Thursday evening to give into that treat

But if your lack of will power and moderation with food and "liquid s"
is what is stopping your progress..

Maybe you need to review your priorities

Do you really want change or are you lying to yourself

Are you  talking the talk but not  walking the walk?

Make a plan

Follow the blasted thing because guess what?

 it works! I know shock horror.

Don't make excuses to why you can't do it because excuse s are just fear of change.

Implement small changes a then build on them.

Excuse s are then irrelevant.

Do not divert from the plan..

If you change the plan you inadvertently change your goal

Then when it comes to deadline you wonder why your results are shit

It's because you didn't follow the plan my friend

An elementary 2+2=4 equation my dear Watson is what you were given to follow

But you went all E=Mc2 on me and now you are lost again searching for the "Magic pill"

It's a myth there is none!

LOOK here.....

*Set a goal

*Make a plan to achieve it and time frame to reach it within

*Implement it into your life in a way that is realistic

*Follow the plan for set amount of time
Be ruthless with it!

*Achieve the goal

It's not complicated, only you stop yourself and make it complicated.

Fergal "spoiler" Lawlor

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